BEES IN THE TREES has an illustrator! I am thrilled to announce that Blanca Gomez will be creating the art that will turn my story into a picture book. It’s scheduled for release by Scholastic Press in Spring, 2017. Here's Publisher's Weekly's description of the book: " neighbors Abel and Beatrice have the perfect arrangement – Abel grows apples, Beatrice raises bees – until a sting escalates into a feud." Blanca Gomez lives in Madrid, Spain. I love her beautiful colors, her warmth and humor, and her strong design sense. I’ve posted a picture from her most recent book, ONE FAMILY by George Shannon. You can see more of her work at her website. Blanca is already hard at work giving life to Beatrice and Abel, and I have gotten a peek at her sketches. I can’t tell you much about them, except that they’re gorgeous. And – much to my surprise – it turns out that Beatrice the beekeeper is a bear, and Abel, who grows apples, is a mouse. Needless to say, I am buzzing with excitement! |